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Hot blooded and wild woman, I am here to bring you into your most turned-on life!

Hot blooded and wild woman, I am here to bring you into your most turned-on life!


If I was a mirror, I would tell you that you are magnificent, worthy and so incredibly gorgeous. Right now.

As a Pleasure Coach and Erotic Liberator, I will be your cheerleader, your challenger and your loving support. I want to bust apart where resentment, self-doubt, boredom and overwhelm are keeping you trapped and help  you become the woman who knows what she is worth, knows what she wants and receives it all with pleasure.

My name is Sophie Luxton and I am a woman seeking freedom for myself and all other women I have the privilege to work with.

As a Movement Teacher, I have taught dance to women for over 20 years and I know that we are most alive when we are in our bodies and not in our heads.

As a certified Pleasure Coach with Regena Thomshauer (AKA Mama Gena), I know that when a woman relentlessly pursues pleasure in her life, everything around her shifts without any pushing or forcing.

As a self-proclaimed Erotic Liberator, I know that creating a safe and nourishing space for women to know, express and “be in” their erotic bodies leads to their greatest degree of freedom and power.

Every woman, depending on her degree of privilege and advantages, has places where her voice, her desires and her body are shackled and censored.
I want to meet you where you are and help you become more free…exactly in the places you most yearn for.


“Sophie, I am in awe of this class! I literally get a breakthrough every time I come. I am in love with, and feel intimately connected to, my body and myself more and more after every class.”

Gail Scott | Speaker, Coach and Intuitive Adviser


1:1 Pleasure Coaching

This is where I get to pour all of my attention just on you. Whether you desire to reconnect with your body and her pleasure, reignite your sex life in your marriage or learn how to locate your desires and ask for what you want, we will do it together.

We have 1:1 calls, weekly check-in’s, homework updates and anything else I create specifically for you on an individual basis to inspire you, light you up and turn you on!

in-person Muskoka, Canada

Group Pleasure Coaching

I offer group classes in Bracebridge, Ontario. We go through Pleasure Rehab, learning how to increase our daily pleasure and decrease what gets in the way, in sisterhood. THIS is the way to do this work.

When women gather with the intention of listening, sharing, uplifting and celebrating each other, magic happens and lives are transformed forever.


Group Pleasure Coaching

When we meet virtually, we literally get as deep and go as far as in-person classes.

Here, I come right into your home and we do the same curriculum as my in-person classes while utilizing the magic of technology to create connection, pleasure and sisterhood.

“Participating in this class was transformative! “

Sophie is amazing! She invites and guides you through a portal to explore pleasure and desire, deepening connection with divine femininity in a safe, loving and supportive space of sisterhood.

A lot of moving, dancing, laughing, learning, listening, talking, sexy fun and connecting with what gives us joy…a truly empowering and enriching experience that I’m forever grateful for!


“Gave me the stepping stones I needed to prioritize myself, my joy and my life”

From day one to our last class, I found that my mindset changed on how I saw everyday tasks and responsibilities as burdens and was begrudgingly dutiful to them, to clearly finding the pleasure in each moment, asking myself do I want or do I need, defining my boundaries and removing unnecessary negativities.

It seems too easy, as women, to bury ourselves beneath everyone else’s needs and expectations. This class and Sophie’s infectious ability to encourage, inspire and promote pleasure in simple indulgences to worshiping our bodies, gave me the stepping stones I needed to prioritize myself, my joy and my life.


Coach for Women

Is it time to have a coach by your side, gorgeous?

Most women hold space for lots of other people in their lives. Which really means, they give their time, attention and energy to support other people’s dreams. This makes so much sense because it’s not only what most of us were taught to do but it also feels good to be there for other people. And now, it’s time for someone to hold space FOR YOU AND YOUR DREAMS.

When you hit the wall and all the things that have usually worked to get you through it, aren’t working….it’s time for more support. When you realize that there is a next level of life you want to experience (in your marriage, in your sensuality, in your sex life, in your career, in the ALIVENESS of your life) and you can’t figure out how to get there….it’s time for you to have someone in your corner.

My service for you is to create time and space for you to be ALL ABOUT YOU. What holds you back, what you really want, what excites you and what terrifies you. Without judgment. Without fixing. Without shame. With compassion, love, celebration and powerful connection.

“Your ability to create something so juicy and edge-pushing was magnificent to watch”

It was an honor and a privilege to be guided by you!! I loved the care and intention you put into every session. They were PURE gold!!! Thank you thank you thank you!! I cried an entire plane ride to the sound of your playlist. It was such perfection to help me release so much that was trapped in me. What a gift you are and continue to be! So grateful for you sister!!


“Thank you for your energy and encouragement and zest for life on a Monday night.”

I just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I love our classes with you.

I have been feeling very exhausted and overwhelmed lately and I leave your classes excited and energized and happy. I feel like as soon as I get to class I can leave the rest of life where it is and do something and focus on just me and the class. It is great and just what I need.


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